Control the Current! Yak Power is switching. That’s what we do. Please select a switching option to begin building your system. Be sure to consider how many different accessories (fish finder, lights, bait well pump, usb charger, etc) you want to be able to control and then select a switching system that will provide you with enough circuits.

Power connection
All Yak Power switching systems feature plug-and-play connectivity to a power source. If you already have a battery setup then you will only need one of our Battery Terminal Pigtails. If you don’t already have a battery then you might want to consider our Power Pack Battery Box that makes powering your Yak Power system and maintaining your batteries easy.

Accessory Connections
From USB charging to Bluetooth connectivity, All Yak Power accessories are designed to plug right into any Yak Power switching system. No cutting or splicing is needed. And, to connect other 12 volt accessories not made by Yak Power like a fish finder or bait well pump, all you need is our YP-SAE4 Power Plug.

No system is complete without lighting, and Yak Power offers a broad selection of easy to install, plug-and-play LED lighting products. Our patent pending, stainless steel, through hull connector gives you a water tight seal when installing our LED strips to the exterior of your boat. And the self tapping LED Button Lights make adding interior lights as simple as turning a wrench.