YP-BBK-CHGR Replacement Yak Power Battery Box Trickle Charger

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  • 1A smart trickle battery charger 
  • Plugs directly into the YP-BBK Battery Box for maintaining batteries.
  • Compatible with: YP-BBK


This is a replacement home battery charger for the Yak Power Battery Box that maintains your batteries and ensures that you always have a full charge.

Note: Make sure the plug-and-play connectors are completely pushed together when connecting the system together. Yak-Power uses our own custom tooled, high tolerance, very snug fitting connectors with larger gauge, real copper wire to ensure a quality, weatherproof and reliable connection. 

All our plug-and-play accessories are specifically designed to work together while maintaining the correct battery polarity throughout the entire Yak-Power system. Using other aftermarket connectors or splicing other connectors into the YP system may cause damage to the system or the accessories connected to the system and may void your warranty. 

Caution: Make sure to pay attention to the actual wire colors of all our accessory cables to ensure that the red (+) wire is always connecting to the red (+) wire on the connector into which it is being plugged.


  • 1A current output


We are using BILT to provide you with an easy assembly process! Interactive easy to follow instructions for how to assembly your new Yak Power product can be found in BILT. Head to the app store now to download the FREE app now.


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