My new Complete Night Time Fishing Kit continues to blow fuses and 1 strip light does not work. Help?
YP-RP5NFCS Night Fishing Complete System
I just purchased and installed the Complete Night Time Fishing Kit. For some reason it continues to blow the 15 amp fuse. It turns on and when I switch on the strip lights it blows the fuse. I have tried to isolate the issue, but it seems to do with the strip lights. The 2 long ones work, and 1 of the short ones work. I tried swapping the splitters and each lighting strip independently. Same result, the same 3 lights work, and then the fuse blows. This does not happen for the button lights or the tie-in to the fish finder. I was trying to move them to different outputs, but ran out of fuses so I am at a loss to whether it is the lights or the RP5. I need help as it is less than 5 days old and installed in a brand new kayak.
Open Jun 25, 2022 - 08:24 AM
Jun 25, 2022 - 08:32 AM
Make sure the led that is blowing the fuse is completely snapped over the stainless lip of the connector. Also when you screwed the fitting in make sure to barley compress the gasket, If you over tighten the stainless fitting it does not have enough room to snap on.
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